Converting Dollars Per Gallon to Dollars Per Liter: A Comprehensive Guide

Understanding the relationship between dollars per gallon and dollars per liter is crucial for travelers, commuters, and anyone dealing with fuel prices. This article provides a comprehensive guide to help you navigate the conversion process effectively.

Formula and Equivalencies

Conversion Formula:

  • $1 per gallon (US) = ~$0.264 dollars per liter
  • $1 per liter = ~$3.785 dollars per gallon (US)


  • 1 liter (L) = 0.264 US gallons
  • 1 US gallon = 3.785 L

Historical Perspective and Significance

Gasoline prices have experienced significant fluctuations over the years. Understanding historical data provides context and helps track price trends. For example, as of April 7, 2024, the price in Mississauga, Ontario, was $1.62 CAD/L, equivalent to $4.58 USD/US gal.

The conversion calculator is invaluable for:

  • Comparing prices: Evaluate fuel costs in different locations and currencies.
  • Tracking trends: Monitor gasoline price fluctuations over time to plan travel budgets and estimate fuel expenses.
  • Understanding exchange rates: Determine the impact of exchange rates on fuel prices when traveling abroad.

Step-by-Step Conversion

Converting Dollars Per Gallon to Dollars Per Liter:

  1. Divide the price per gallon by 3.78541 (liters per gallon).


If gas costs $3.50 per gallon, the price per liter is $3.50 ÷ 3.78541 = $0.92 per liter.

Converting Dollars Per Liter to Dollars Per Gallon:

  1. Multiply the price per liter by 3.78541 (liters per gallon).


If gas costs $1.86 per liter, the price per gallon is $1.86 × 3.78541 = $7.01 per gallon.

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Additional Considerations:

  • The U.S. gallon (US gal) is slightly smaller than the Imperial gallon (UK gal).
  • Gas prices can vary significantly by region and time due to factors such as supply and demand.
  • It’s essential to use the correct conversion factor for the type of gallon being used.

How do I convert dollars per gallon to dollars per liter?

Divide the price per gallon by 3.785.

How do I convert dollars per liter to dollars per gallon?

Multiply the price per liter by 3.785.


Characteristic Advice/Key Point
Conversion Formula 1 liter (L) = 0.264 US gallons
1 US gallon = 3.785 L
Exchange Rate $1 USD ≈ $0.77 CAD (as of May 1, 2024)
Historical Perspective Gasoline prices have fluctuated significantly in recent years, with notable historical examples including:
$1.62 CAD/L in Mississauga, Ontario (equivalent to $4.58 USD/US gal) on April 7, 2024
$1.86 CAD/L in Mississauga, Ontario (equivalent to $5.54 USD/US gal) on March 6, 2022
$2.95 USD/US gal, equivalent to $0.98 CAD/L at the time on June 19, 2011
Significance The calculator helps individuals:
Compare gasoline prices between different locations and currencies
Track fluctuations in gasoline prices over time
Plan travel budgets and estimate fuel costs
Understand the impact of exchange rates on gasoline prices
Conversion Factor for U.S. Gallons to Liters Divide the price per gallon by 3.78541 (liters per gallon)
Conversion Factor for U.K. Gallons to Liters Divide the price per U.K. gallon by 4.54609
Gas Prices Fluctuate Gas prices can vary significantly by region and time
Importance of Using the Correct Conversion Factor It’s important to use the correct conversion factor for the type of gallon being used
Gas Stations May Display Both U.S. and Metric Prices Some gas stations may display both U.S. and metric prices
Conversion of Gas Prices to Liters Can Help Compare Prices Converting gas prices to liters can help compare prices across different countries
Conversion of Fuel Prices Between Gallons and Liters $1 per gallon (US) = ~$0.264 dollars per liter
$1 per liter = ~$3.785 dollars per gallon (US)
Importance of Unit Conversion Accurately converting fuel prices between gallons and liters is essential for:
Comparing fuel costs between different countries or regions
Determining the cost of filling up a vehicle’s fuel tank
Calculating fuel consumption rates and mileage
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